
If your landlord or agent has not maintained your rented home to an acceptable standard, then you are suffering from Disrepair.

If your landlord or agent is not carrying our repairs, it is often the case there are other laws they have broken, such as not protecting your deposit or not licensing the property. You may be able to claim up to 12 months’ rent back if these breaches have occurred.

Knowing where you stand in law can be very helpful to make the landlord carry out the repairs and you may be entitled to compensation if your landlord has broken the law.

This area of law is quite nuanced, so it is advisable to contact Justice For Tenants and explain your situation, sending any photos and correspondence you have had with the landlord/agent so we can review the situation before talking you through your rights and your options.

You can contact us using the form, or give us a call on 020 3476 6648, or email  info@justicefortenants.org.
